Progress Report 2022


Progress Report 2022

Our second Progress Report has now been published and is available for download. In this report, a majority of STICA member companies present their greenhouse gas emissions for Scopes 1, 2 and 3 activities, as well as disclose their targets. The report also includes a number of other important sections, including a discussion on strengths and limitations of the STICA methodology, an analysis of some of the key challenges companies and the industry are facing, and a call to action for policy makers.

STICA Progress Report 2022, cover
Michael Schragger, Initiative Co-founder & Director, STICA

In this report, for the first time, a majority of member companies are disclosing the full scope of their emissions. This is a very important step for understanding what companies should focus on in the coming years, and also in the name of transparency. That being said, transparency is not the end goal. The focus moving forward must be on actions that reduce company and industry emissions and that transform the industry overall. I also want to highlight an inconvenient truth: No matter how ambitious companies are in regards to climate action, without substantial changes in legislation, very significant financial investment and rapid innovation, the pace of greenhouse gas reductions for STICA member companies and the industry overall will be too slow, and may even be insignificant.

CEO Perspectives

We asked CEOs from a selected group of STICA member companies and suppliers to reflect on what they have learned as a result of calculating their emissions, what challenges they see ahead, and what requests they have for policy makers and other key stakeholders.

Anders Carlsson, CEO, Company/Blåkläder
Leo Zhuang, CEO, Lei Tak Fung (Supplier to Peak Performance)
Susanne Ehnbåge, CEO, Lindex
Camilla Deichmann, CEO, Garment Division, and Karin Simondon, Global Sustainability Manager, LTP Group (Supplier to Peak Performance)
Jarno Vanhatapio, Founder & Former CEO, NA-KD
Joakim Levin, Co-Founder & CEO, Nudie Jeans Co.
Ponraj Arumugam, Sr. General Manager – Fabric Division, Textown (Supplier to Kappahl)
Johanna Andersson, CEO, Totême

Stakeholder Voices

We asked representatives from a selected group of Swedish and international stakeholders to reflect on what what challenges they see ahead, what they are doing to accelerate change and what requests they have for policy makers and other key stakeholders.

Alice Bah Kuhnke, Vice-President, Greens/EFA; Co-Chair, The European Parliament’s Intergroup on the Green New Deal
Sigrid Barnekow, Executive Chairman, Swedish Fashion Association
David Ekelund, Board Chair, Scandinavian Outdoor Group
Lars Fogh Mortensen, Circular Economy, Consumption and Production Expert, European Environmental Agency
David Gunnarsson, Head of Unit, Bra Miljöval Chemistry, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
Kajsa Guterstam, Project Manager, The Swedish Institute
Elin Larsson, Program director, Re:source
Johanna Myrman Kristoffersen, Climate Business Director/Deputy Director for Food, Climate and Energy Department, WWF Sweden
Susanne Nejderås, Textile Strategist, Science Park Borås and Platform Manager, Textile & Fashion 2030
Magnus Nikkarinen, Senior Policy Director – Sustainability, Swedish Trade Federation
Lewis Perkins, President, Apparel Impact Institute
Michael Sadowski, Research Consultant to World Resources Institute
Cecilia Tall, Secretary-General, TEKO
Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu, Lead, Sectoral Engagement in Climate Action, UN Climate Change
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